the auction by robert spencer

Robert Spencer

The Auction, ca. 1916

Price on Request

note of the city by robert spencer

Robert Spencer

Note of the City, ca. 1920

Price on Request

the village lane by robert spencer

Robert Spencer

The Village Lane, ca. 1919

Price on Request

the beach ball by louis k. stone

Louis K. Stone

The Beach Ball, ca. 1940

Price on Request

family reunion by paulette victorine j. van roekens

Paulette Victorine J. Van Roekens

Family Reunion

Price on Request

the four graces, series of (4) by vaclav vytlacil

Vaclav Vytlacil

The Four Graces, Series of (4), 1956

Price on Request

blue fish by vaclav vytlacil

Vaclav Vytlacil

Blue Fish, ca. 1964

Price on Request

lower manhattan by vaclav vytlacil

Vaclav Vytlacil

Lower Manhattan, ca. 1940

Price on Request

after work by vaclav vytlacil

Vaclav Vytlacil

After Work, 1955

Price on Request

the shipyard, winter by frederick r. wagner

Frederick R. Wagner

The Shipyard, Winter, 1913

Price on Request

the white dress by xue mo

Xue Mo

The White Dress, ca. 2005

Price on Request

melting snow by charles morris young

Charles Morris Young

Melting Snow, 1925

Price on Request

"pattern" by joseph zenk

Joseph Zenk


14,500 USD