three studies of male back (one work - right hand panel of the triptych) by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

Three Studies of Male Back (One work - right hand panel of the triptych), 1987

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three studies of male back (one work - central panel of the triptych) by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

Three Studies of Male Back (one work - central panel of the triptych), 1987

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study for a portrait of john edwards by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

Study for A Portrait of John Edwards, 1988

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l'homme au lavabo / figure at a washbasin by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

L'homme au Lavabo / Figure at a Washbasin, 1978

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tryptych by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

Tryptych, 1991

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tryptych 1987 d'après study for a bullfight (central panel) by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

Tryptych 1987 D'après Study for a Bullfight (Central Panel), 1987

Price on Request

tryptich by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

Tryptich, 1986–1987

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triptych inspired by oresteia of aeschylus by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

Triptych Inspired by Oresteia of Aeschylus, 1981

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study of a portrait of john edwards  by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

Study of a Portrait of John Edwards , 1986

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mountin rothschild by francis bacon

Francis Bacon

Mountin Rothschild, 1990

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dustin hoffman by john baldessari

John Baldessari

Dustin Hoffman, 2018

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le marais #3 by cristina banban

Cristina BanBan

Le Marais #3, 2021

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precision bombing by banksy


Precision Bombing, 2000

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laugh now (unsigned) by banksy


Laugh Now (unsigned), 2003

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pulp fiction (unsigned) by banksy


Pulp Fiction (unsigned), 2004

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girl with a balloon (unsigned) by banksy


Girl With A Balloon (unsigned), 2004

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