Art Miami

Art Miami

One Herald Plaza (NE 14th Street & Biscayne Bay) Miami, FL 33132, USA Wednesday, November 30, 2022–Sunday, December 4, 2022 Preview: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Booth AM323

meditation by the sea by julio larraz

Julio Larraz

Meditation by the Sea, 2019


cabeza de mujer "sopladora ii" by javier marin

Javier Marin

Cabeza de Mujer "Sopladora II", 2016

52,000 USD

the color came – vino el color by amador montes

Amador Montes

The Color Came – Vino el Color, 2022

Price on Request

nothing to say – nada que decir by amador montes

Amador Montes

Nothing to Say – Nada que Decir


one morning in the studio – una mañana en el estudio by amador montes

Amador Montes

One Morning in the Studio – Una Mañana en el Estudio, 2022


be reborn - renacer by amador montes

Amador Montes

Be Reborn - Renacer, 2021

Price on Request

birds of peace i - pájaros de la paz i by oswaldo vigas

Oswaldo Vigas

Birds of Peace I - Pájaros de la Paz I, 1990

Price on Request

figuras solares  by oswaldo vigas

Oswaldo Vigas

Figuras Solares , 2005


Art of the World Gallery assembles critical sectors in the arts from the 20th and 21st Centuries for this special occasion. From the ism era to post-war & contemporary, the highlighted artists create a conversational flow.
The roster of master artists and acclaimed living creatives the gallery presents in Miami this year displays many narratives.