Folk, Naïve, and Outsider Art

Art created by those outside of mainstream artistic circles is often labeled Folk, Naïve, or Outsider Art, whether it is produced by members of an indigenous group or common region, deemphasizes the formal and technical qualities of painting, or defies the conventions of high art to express raw creativity.

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Jean Dubuffet
Le Merveilleux
Price on Request
Scottie Wilson
Castle, Birds and Fishes
Price on Request
Louis Soutter
Trois Femmes
Price on Request
Jean Dubuffet
Cercle Volney
Price on Request
Jean Dubuffet
Peintures, Cercle Volney
Price on Request
Sénèque Obin
Marché Cluny - Market at Cap-Haitien - Haitian Street Art
circa 1959
Price on Request
Jean Dubuffet
Paysage chamanique avec un personnage (24 août 1980)
Price on Request
Wilson Bigaud
Haitian Couple in Bed Simultaneously Adjusting their Radios, Surrealism
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Jean Dubuffet
Paysage au chien bleu, novembre 1952
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Jean Dubuffet
Site with 5 Characters
Price on Request
page:   of 81 (go to)