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01 December 2024
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H & – Haa
Haá – Hac
Had – Hae
Haë – Haf
Häf – Hag
Häg – Hah
Häh – Hai
Häi – Hal
Häl – Hal
Häll – Halz
Ham – Hame
Häm – Ham
Hämm – Hamz
Han A – Han Z
Shi – Han
Hän – Han
Hänn – Hans
Hän – Hao
Hap – Har
Här – Har
Häri – Harn
Joh – Har
Härs – Hart
Härt – Harw
Hár – Has
Haš – Has
Häs – Hat
Hát – Hau
Häu – Hau
Hav – Haw
Hax – Hay
Haz – He
HeL – Hea
Heb – Hec
Hed – Hee
Hef – Hei
Heï – Hei
Hej – Hel
Hél – Hel
Hél – Hen
Hén – Hen
Héno – Henz
Heo – Her
Hér – Her
Heř – Her
Héro – Herz
Hesa – Hesz
Het – Heu
Hev – Hey
Hez – Hic
Hid – Hig
Hii – Hil
Hím – Hin
Hio – Hir
His – Hiz
Hja – HoM
HoS – Hoc
Höc – Hod
Höd – Hoe
Hör – Hof
Höf – Hof
Höfi – Hofw
Hôg – Hoh
Höh – Hol
Hoł – Hol
Höl – Hol
Höll – Holo
Hoło – Holt
Hölt – Holz
Hom – Hon
Hön – Hoo
Hopa – Hopp
Höp – Hor
Hör – Hor
Hörn – Hort
Hør – Hös
Hos – Hou
Hov – How
Höw – Hoy
Høy – Hsu
Hte – Hu
He – Hua
HubE – Hube
Hüb – Hud
Hüd – Hue
Huë – Hug
Hüg – Hui
Huj – Hul
Hül – Hum
HunJ – Hunt
Hün – Hun
Huo – Hur
Hür – Hus
Hüs – Hut
Hüt – Huy
Hu- – Hya
Hyb – Hyu
Hyv – Hyz
Discover Artists
Hannah Höch
(German, 1889–1978)
Hans Hoch
(Austrian, 1822–1888)
Horatius de Hoch
James Hoch
Johann Gustav Hoch
(German, 1716–1779)
Johann Jakob Hoch
(German, 1750–1829)
Johann Peter Hoch
(German, 1741)
Kate Hoch
Matthias Hoch
(German, 1958)
(active circa 1830)
Betty Hochard
Gaston Hochard
(French, born circa 1863–1913)
August von Hochberg
Zanne Hochberg
Franz Hochecker
(German, 1730–1782)
E. Hocheid
C. Hochfeld
Ines Hochgerner
(Austrian, 1982)
Janus Hochgesand
(German, 1981)
Carl Hochhaus
(German, 1852)
Dietmar Hochhauser
(Austrian, 1965)
Marlyse Hoch-Honisch
(Swiss, 1939)
Anna Hochkis
(British, 1885–1984)
Anton Höchl
(German, 1820–1897)
John Hochland
Johann Baptist Höchle
(Swiss, 1754–1832)
Heinz Hochleitner
Boleslaw Hochlinger
(Polish, 1898–1979)
Bob Bohumír Hochman
(Czech, 1958)
Gerald Hochman
Franz Gustav Hochmann
(German, 1861–1936)
Henryk Hochmann
(Polish, born circa 1879–died circa 1943)
Joniel Hochmann
Martin Hochmeister (HOOCH)
Jürgen Hochmuth
(German, 1945)
Dagmar Hochova
Lajos Karoly Hochrein
(Hungarian, 1853)
Joseph Hochrein-Kabosk
(Hungarian, 1820–1905)
Sybille Hochreiter
Jens Hochreuter
(German, 1954)
Judith Hochroth
Ernst Hochschartner
(Austrian, 1877–1947)
Leonor Hochschild
(Mexican, 1962)
Alfred (Fred) Hochschwarzer
(Austrian, 1914–1990)
Norbert Hochsieder
(German, 1879–1958)
Höchst Porzellanmanufaktur (Co.)
(German, 1746)
Anna Höchstädt
(German, 1854)
Höchst-Damm (Co.)
(German, established 1840–1888)
Anthony Hochstein
Tony Hochstetler
Jakob Hochstetter
August Hochuli
(German, 1900–1990)
Corinne Hochwarter
Käthe Hoch-Wilsing
(German, 1873–1933)
Florica Hociung
(Romanian, 1911–1988)
Adalbert Hock
Daniel Hock
(Austrian, 1858–1934)
Erika Hock
(Kyrgyzstani, 1981)
Heinz Hock
(German, 1938)
Ines Hock
(German, 1960)
J. Hock
(Austrian, 1760–1825)
Jean Pierre Hock
(Belgian, 1931)
Johannes Hock
(Belgian, XX-XXI)
Karl Hock
(German, 1901–1976)
Kuno Hock
(Austrian, 1884–1955)
L. Hock
Lucien Hock
Richard Hock
(Austrian, 1965)
Theodora Hock-Bruellmann
(German, 1902)
Hans Hermann Hocke
Rudolf Hocke
(Czech, 1938)
Antonius Höckelmann
(German, 1937–2000)
Marion Grace Hocken
(Irish, 1923–1987)
P. Hocker
Tom Hocker
(American, 1943)
Trew Hocker
(American, 1913)
William Hocker
(American, 1918)
Johan Fredrik Höckert
(Swedish, 1826–1866)
Patrick Hockey
(Australian, 1948–1992)
Tom Hockey
(Australian, XX)
Scott Hocking
(American, 1975)
Susan Jayne Hocking
Rudolf Höckner
(German, 1864–1942)
David Hockney
(British, 1937)
Paula Hocks
(American, 1916–2003)
Teun Hocks
(Dutch, 1947)
L. Hockwell
Sarah Hocombe
Marcel Hocq
(Belgian, 1933)
Edouard Hocquard
(French, 1853–1911)
Christian Hocquet
Edmund Höd
(Austrian, born circa 1837–1888)
Nir Hod
(Israeli, 1970)
Alexander Hoda
(British, 1980)
Arnoldine Hodack
(Czech, 1822–1893)
Ty Hodanish
John Hodany
(American, 1974)
Otto Hodapp
(German, 1894–1968)
Vittorio Hodara
(Italian, 1960–2016)
Philippe Hodart
(French, born circa 1490–died after 1536)
Filip Hodas
S. Hodd
Albert Hodder
Carol Hodder
Monroe Hodder
Stephen Hodder
Tanya Hoddinott
(Australian, 1966)
Robert Hoddle
(Australian/British, 1794–1881)
Pierre Hodé
(French, 1889–1942)
Léon Auguste César Hodebert
(French, 1852–1914)
Inaya Fanis Hodeib
(Lebanese, 1983)
Edaurd Hodek
(Austrian, 1858–1929)
Ferdinand Hodek
(Austrian, 1896–1969)
Josef Hodek
(Czech, 1888–1973)
Ernst Hodel the Elder
(Swiss, 1852–1902)
Ernst Hodel the Younger
(Swiss, 1881–1955)
Joseph Anton Hodel
(Swiss, 1873–1930)
Ursula Hodel
Yunierki Felix Hodelin
(Cuban, 1984)
Åke Hodell
Gijsberti Hodenpijl
Gisberti Hodenpijl
Stefan Hoderlein
Daniel Hodermarsky
(American, 1924–1999)
Paula Rego and Charlotte Hodes
Suzanne Hodes
Sally Hodgdon
(American, 1780–1855)
Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon
(American, 1830–1906)
Terry Hodgdon
Ann Hodgdon-Cyr
Albert Hodge
(American, 1941)
Anthony Hodge
Colin Hodge
Francis Edwin Hodge
(British, 1883–1949)
George Hodge
Gregory Hodge
(Australian, 1982)
Helen I Francis Hodge
(American, 1870–1958)
J.E. Hodge
John Hodge
(American, 1947)
Lidia Herrick Hodge
(French, 1899)
Marcus Hodge
(British, 1966)
Nina Hodge
Simon Hodge
Spencer Hodge
(British, 1943)
Thomas Hodge
Robert Hodgell
Anne Hodgers
(British, 1967)
Addison Hodges
Annette Hodges
C. Walter Hodges
Charles Howard Hodges
(British, 1764–1837)
Christopher Hodges
(Australian, 1954)
Dave Hodges
David Hodges
(American, 1960)
Drew Hodges
E. Hodges
Edgar Hodges
F. Hodges
Fanny S. Hodges
Francis Edwin Hodges
Frederick W. Hodges
Gary Hodges
(British, 1954)
Graham Hodges
(British, lived circa 1952)
J.E. (of Portsmouth) Hodges
(born after–died after)
Jim Hodges
(American, 1957)
Lou Hodges
Marjorie Hodges
(American, 1888–1972)
Obediah Hodges
Roberta Hodges
S Hodges
Samuel Hodges
(Australian, 1978)
Snowden Hodges
(American, 1938)
Sydney Hodges
(British, 1829–1900)
Thomas Hodges
(English, 1957)
W. Hodges
W. S. Hodges
Walter Parry Hodges
(British, 1760–1845)
William Hodges
(British, 1744–1797)
William Merrett Hodges
(British, 1891–1961)
William Parry Hodges
Joshua Hodgetts
(British, 1857–1933)
Robert M. Hodgetts
Marston Dean Hodgin
(American, 1903–2003)
Deborah Bell and Robert Hodgins
Jan Neethling and Robert Hodgins
Jay Hodgins
Kendell Geers and Robert Hodgins
Robert (Griffiths) Hodgins
(South African, 1920–2010)
Sarah Ballam and Robert Hodgins
Carter Hodgkin
Eliot Hodgkin
(British, 1905–1987)
Howard Hodgkin
(British, 1932–2017)
Barbara Hodgkins
Eliot Hodgkins
Frances Mary Hodgkins
(British, 1869–1947)
Isabel Hodgkins
Pat Hodgkins
Sarah Hodgkins
Thomas Francis Hodgkins
(British, 1835–1903)
William Matthew Hodgkins
Anthony Hodgkinson
Cecil Thomas Hodgkinson
(British, 1895–1979)
Ed Hodgkinson
Frank George Hodgkinson
(Australian, 1919–2001)
Gary Hodgkinson
Lewis Hodgkinson
A. T. Hodgkiss
Joan Hodgkiss
Hodgson Kennard (Co.)
(American, established 1890–1940)
Anna Marie Hodgson
Carl F. E. Hodgson
Carole Hodgson
(British, 1940)
Charles Hodgson
(British, 1769–1856)
Clive Hodgson
(British, 1953)
David Hodgson
(British, 1798–1864)
Dianne Hodgson
(Australian, 1947)
Edward S. Hodgson
George Hodgson
(British, 1847–1921)
J. H. Hodgson
John Evan Hodgson
(British, 1831–1895)
Lady Eliza Hodgson
Louisa Hodgson
(British, 1905–1980)
Lucy Hodgson
Mary Hodgson
Oliver Ussison Hodgson
(British, 1810–1878)
Paul Hodgson
(British, 1972)
Peter Hodgson
S.J. Hodgson
Stephen Hodgson
Thomas Sherlock Hodgson
(Canadian, 1924–2006)
Walker Hodgson
William J. Hodgson
(British, born circa 1878–1903)
William Scott Hodgson
(British, 1864–1925)
Geza Hodi
(Hungarian, 1881–1942)
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