Price Database
01 December 2024
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F & – Fab
Fáb – Fab
Fac – Fag
Fäg – Fai
Faj – Fal
Fam – Fan
Fän – Far
Fär – Far
Färn – Farz
Fas – Fat
FauA – Fauz
Fav – Fay
Fáy – Fec
Fed – Fee
Fef – Fei
Fej – Fel
Fél – Fen
Feș – Fer
Koe – Fer
Fér – Fer
Fes – Fev
Fév – Fic
Fid – Fie
Fié – Fil
Fim – Fin
Fio – Fir
Fisa – Fisk
Fiš – Fit
Fiu – Fla
Flá – Fle
Car – Fle
Fli – Flo
Fló – Flo
FLP – Foe
Fof – Fol
Föl – Fon
Fón – For
För – For
Förs – Fort
För – Fos
Fot – Fou
The – Fox
Foy – Fra
Sir – Fra
Frä – Fra
Frän – Fraz
FRE – Fre
Fré – Fre
Car – Fre
Neo – Fre
Fré – Fri
Fro – From
Frö – Frü
Fru – Fu
FuA – Fue
Fug – Fuj
Fuk – Ful
Fül – Fun
Fuq – Fur
Für – Fut
Füt – Fyt
Discover Artists
Victor Fota
(Romanian, 1989)
Detlev Foth
(German, 1959)
Ernö Foth
(Hungarian, 1934)
Albert Fothe
(German, 1888–1955)
Charles W. Fothergill
(British, 1782–1840)
Chris Fothergill
George Algernon Fothergill
William (Bill) Fothergill
Renato Foti
Sofia Fotiadou
(Greek, 1961)
Serge Fotinsky
(Ukrainian, 1887–1971)
Foto Egone
(German, established 1949)
Pichardo Fotografo
Bassilis Fotopoulos
(Greek, 1934–2006)
Dionyssis Fotopoulos
(Greek, 1943)
Vassilis Fotopoulos
(Greek, born after 1934)
Fotoskupina Pěti
(Czech, established 1933–1936)
Shahab Fotouhi
(Iranian, 1980)
Fotowerkstätte Hugo Schmölz
Paul Fotsch
(Swiss, 1891)
Claus Föttinger
(German, 1960)
Azzolino Fottini
Th. Fou
Guillaume Romain Fouace
(French, 1827–1895)
Samir Fouad
(Egyptian, 1944)
Michel Fouassier
Abel Foubard
(French, 1879–1957)
Claude Foubert
Emile-Louis Foubert
(French, 1848–1911)
Jean-Marie Foubert
Raymond Waydelich and Jean-Marie Foubert
Joseph Foucard-Jourdan
A. Foucart
(born after–died after)
Pascal Foucart
Gaston de Foucaucourt
Gersende de Foucaud
(French, 1975)
H. de Foucauld
A. Foucault
(born after–died after)
Helene Foucault
Henri Foucault
(French, 1954)
Marc Foucault
R. Foucault
Simon Charles Foucault
(French, 1884–1923)
Jan Fouceel
Florian Fouche
Nicolas Fouche
(French, 1653–1733)
Paul Fouche
Pierre Fouche
(South African, 1977)
Adèle Foucher
(French, born after 1803–died after 1868)
Bernard Foucher
Brigitte Foucher
F. Foucher
Jean François Foucher
(French, 1761–died after 1831)
Louis Foucherand
Bernard Fouchet
(French, 1932)
Paulus de Fouchier
(Dutch, 1643–1717)
Jean-Joseph Foucou
(French, 1739–1815)
Louise Berthe Fouet
Robert Fouet
Pierre Fouf
(active circa 1965)
Fougasse (Cyril Kenneth Bird)
(British, 1887–1965)
Jacques Fougeirol
Thomas Fougeirol
Benoit Fougerat
D. Fougerat
Emmanuel Fougerat
(French, 1869–1958)
Fougeray (Co.)
Amanda Fougère
(French, 1821)
Lucette de la Fougere
Frank Emanuel Fougeres
André Fougeron
(French, 1913)
Daniel Fougeron
Etienne Fougeron
(French, 1933)
Martine Fougeron
(French, 1954)
Claude Fougerousse
M. de Fougeroux
David Fought
(American, XX-XXI)
Arvid Fougstedt
(Swedish, 1888–1949)
Axel Einar Hjorth and Nils Fougstedt
Björn Trägårdh and Nils Fougstedt
Josef Frank and Nils Fougstedt
Nils Fougstedt
(Swedish, 1881–1954)
Robert Hult and Nils Fougstedt
Tage Fougstedt
(Swedish, 1882–1968)
Uno Åhrén and Nils Fougstedt
(Swedish, XX)
Jean-Francois Fouilhoux
(French, 1947)
Felix Fouilhouze
(French, ?–1885)
G. Fouille
Gabriel Fouillé
Georges Fouille
HB Quimper and Paul Fouillen
Paul Fouillen
(French, 1899–1958)
Elise Fouin
Michel Fouin
J. Fouirand
Bernic Fouji
Youken Foujimura
Paul-Shusuaku Foujino
(Japanese, 1925–1982)
Bernic Foujita
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita
(French/Japanese, 1886–1968)
Irene Foukes
Ichiro Foukoni
Thierry Foulche
Achille (Georges) Fould
(French, 1868–1951)
Consuelo Fould
(French, 1862–1927)
Léopold L. Foulem
(Canadian, 1945)
Louis Foulet
Graydon Foulger
John Foulger
Captain B.F. Foulke
Llyn Foulkes
(American, 1934)
Renée Foulks
(American, 1958)
Fernand Foullioux
Lucille Foullon
(French, 1775–1865)
Benjamin Foulon
(French, born circa 1550–died circa 1612)
Gregory Foulon
(French, 1981)
Olivier Foulon
(Belgian, 1976)
Valérie Foulon
Alfred Charles Foulongne
(French, 1821–1897)
François Joseph Foulquier
(French, 1744–1789)
Jean-Antoine-Valentin Foulquier
(French, 1822–1896)
John Foulston
(British, 1772–1842)
Founders Furniture
Taos Founders
Foundrae (Co.)
(American, established 2015)
Barbara Fountain
Desmond Fountain
(Bermudian, 1946)
Grace H. Russell Fountain
(American, 1858–1942)
Marian Fountain
(New Zealand, 1960)
Auguste Rafael Fountaine
Charles Fouque
Jean Marius Fouque
(French, 1822–1880)
Patrick Fouque
(French, 1972)
Dominique Charles Fouqueray
(French, 1872–1956)
Henri-Amedee Fouques (de Saint-Leu)
(French, 1857–1903)
Robert Henry Fouques
(French, 1892–1954)
Alphonse Fouquet
(French, 1828–1911)
Armand Fouquet
Ary Fouquet
Caryl Fouquet
Charles Fouquet
Georges Fouquet
(French, 1862–1957)
Guy Fouquet
(French, 1923)
Jacques Marie Fouquet
Louis Socrate Fouquet
(French, 1795–1831)
Louis Vincent Fouquet
(French, 1803–1863)
Monique Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Jean Fouquet
(French, active circa 1925–1950)
Jean Fouquet
(French, born circa 1420–died circa 1477)
Jean Fouquet
(French, ?–1984)
Georges Fouquet-Dorval
(French, 1871)
F. Fouquier
(Flemish, born after–died after)
Jacques Fouquieres
(French, 1591–1659)
Marie Claude de Fouquieres
(French, 1937)
Four Design (Co.)
Four Seasons Design Inc.
Alex von Fabre du Four
Michel Four
(French, 1945)
Robert Four
Victor Four
(American, 1929–1986)
John T. Fouracre
(British, 1896–1905)
Auguste Fourain
Jacques Fourastié
Hugues Fourau
(French, 1803–1873)
Elisabeth Fourcade
Joseph Fourcade
(American, born circa 1795–1870)
Vincent Fourcade
Adolphe Fourcault
(Belgian, 1770–1849)
Marie de la (Louisanne Victoire) Fourchardiere
Gaston de la Fourche
(French, 1854–1913)
Ed Fourcher
(American, 1937)
Nicole Fourcroy
Jacques Charles Fourcy
Maurice Fourdey
Henri-Auguste Fourdinois
(French, 1830–1907)
Adrien Fourdrin
Camille Fourdrin
(French, born after–died after)
Pierre Fourdrinier
Thierry Foure
Camille Foures
(French, 1929)
Cécile Foures
Yvonne Fourgeaud
René Fourgnal
Abrie Fourie
(South African, 1969)
Albert Auguste Fourié
(French, 1854–1896)
Audrey Fourie
(South African)
Alexander Fourier
(American, 1831)
Fourmaintraux (Co.)
Rachel Fourmaintraux-Winslow
(British, 1880)
Nicolai Fourmankov
Annie Fourmanoir
(French, 1931)
Théodore Fourmois
(Belgian, 1814–1871)
Coraly de Fourmond
(French, 1803–1853)
Cornaly de Fourmont
(French, 1803–1853)
Marius Fourmont
Eloi Fourmy
Dominique Fournal
E. Fournal
Daniel Fourneau
(Belgian, 1953)
Lionel Fourneaux
(French, 1954)
Jacques Fournel
Jean Baptiste Fournel
P. Fournel
Pierre Fournel
Andre Fournelle
Michel Louis Lucien Fournereau
A. Fournerie
Félix Fournery
(French, 1865–1938)
Beltran Fournet (Mancouche)
Claude Fournet
Didier Fournet
(French, 1964)
Henri Fournet
Jean Fournet
L. Fournet
Patrick Fournial
Jeanne-Marguerite Fournials
(French, 1910)
Fournier de Bellevue
Pierre Fournier des Corats
(French, 1884–1953)
Charles Fournier des Ormes
(French, 1777–1850)
Alain Fournier
(French, 1931–1983)
Albert Fournier
Alexander Fournier
(French, 1831)
Alexis Jean Fournier
(American, 1865–1948)
Alfred Victor Fournier
(French, 1872–1924)
André Fournier
(French, 1882)
Bertrand Fournier
(French, 1985)
Bruno Fournier
Céline Fournier
Charles Fournier
Charles Fournier
(French, 1803–1854)
D. Fournier
Do Fournier
(French, 1951)
Edmond Charles Fournier
(French, 1872–1926)
Edouard Fournier
Edward Fournier
(American, 1873–1957)
Frédéric Fournier
Gabriel Francisque Alexis Fournier
(French, 1893–1963)
Georges Fournier
Gérard Fournier
Guillaume Fournier
Henri Fournier
Hypollite Fournier
Jack Fournier
Jean Fournier
(French, born circa 1700–1765)
Jean-Baptiste Fournier
(French, 1959)
Jean-Baptiste-Fortune de Fournier
(French, 1798–1864)
Jean-Claude Fournier
(French, 1943)
Jean-Simon Fournier
(French, active circa 1791–1799)
Joseph Fournier
Liliane Fournier
(Canadian, 1942)
Louis Fournier
Louis Edouard Paul Fournier
(French, 1857–died after 1917)
Marc Antoine Fournier
Marcel Fournier
(French, 1869–1917)
Paul Fournier
(Canadian, 1939)
R. Fournier
Real Fournier
(Canadian, 1952)
Sheila Fournier
(British, 1930–2000)
Victor Edmond Charles Fournier
(French, 1872–1924)
Vincent Fournier
Hippolyte Fournier
(French, 1799–1863)
Paul Fournier
(Canadian, 1939)
Hippolyte Fournier
Paul Fournier
(French, 1859–1926)
Hippolyte Fournier
(French, 1853–1926)
Madame M. Fournier-Sarlovèze
(French, 1845)
Raymond-Joseph de Fournier-Sarloveze
(French, 1836)
M. Fournisseur
Luc Fournol
(French, 1931–2007)
Albert Fournon
F. Fourny
Xavier Fourquemin
(French, 1971)
Léon Charles Fourquet
(French, 1841)
Huguette Fourreau
Marguerite Fourrier-Ricoux
Albert Fourseev
(Russian, 1926)
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