Motoko Dobashi


sunset / sonnenuntergang by motoko dobashi

Motoko Dobashi

Sunset / Sonnenuntergang, 2008

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winter lounge by motoko dobashi

Motoko Dobashi

Winter Lounge, 2009

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lantern / laterne by motoko dobashi

Motoko Dobashi

Lantern / Laterne, 2009

Price on Request

creatures of the night #1 by motoko dobashi

Motoko Dobashi

Creatures of the NIght #1, 2009

Price on Request

creatures of the night #4 by motoko dobashi

Motoko Dobashi

Creatures of the Night #4, 2009

Price on Request

pear tree / birnbaum by motoko dobashi

Motoko Dobashi

Pear Tree / Birnbaum, 2009

Price on Request

monumental - amaryllis by motoko dobashi

Motoko Dobashi

Monumental - Amaryllis, 2013

Price on Request