Gonzalo Fuenmayor: Exotic Utopias

Gonzalo Fuenmayor: Exotic Utopias

Dorotheergasse 5 Vienna, 1010, Austria Thursday, April 11, 2024–Friday, May 31, 2024 Opening Reception: Thursday, April 11, 2024

unseen presence of victorious corruption by gonzalo fuenmayor

Gonzalo Fuenmayor

Unseen Presence of Victorious Corruption, 2019

Price on Request

genesis iii by gonzalo fuenmayor

Gonzalo Fuenmayor

Genesis III, 2013

Price on Request

the privilege of shadows by gonzalo fuenmayor

Gonzalo Fuenmayor

The Privilege of Shadows, 2024

Price on Request

Centered around themes The Exotic; The Spectacle; and The Collision, the exhibition unfolds as acts of a theater play. In his new drawing “The Privilege of Shadows”, Fuenmayor depicts Schönbrunn Palace as a symbol of regality with an audience of banana trees encroaching on its stage. Gesturing to inequalities inherent to the export-import trade between “North and South”, Fuenmayor conflates time, space, and realities in his work to create a third space for contemplation on concepts of value. 

- Claire Breukel