Art Miami

Art Miami

One Herald Plaza (NE 14th Street & Biscayne Bay) Miami, FL 33132, USA Wednesday, November 30, 2022–Sunday, December 4, 2022 Preview: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Booth AM323

balance 9-g/s 20211002 by bahk seon-ghi

Bahk Seon-Ghi

Balance 9-G/S 20211002, 2021

50,000 USD

woman laying on her side by fernando botero

Fernando Botero

Woman Laying on her Side, 2016

Price on Request

masha  by lita cabellut

Lita Cabellut

Masha , 2021

Price on Request

tiemblo de amor  by lita cabellut

Lita Cabellut

Tiemblo de Amor , 2020

Price on Request

scene de village à l'animal bleu  by marc chagall

Marc Chagall

Scene de Village à L'animal Bleu , 1968

Price on Request

ama a quien te mire como si fueras magia by karla de lara

Karla de Lara

Ama a quien te mire como si fueras magia, 2022


embers - rescoldos by sergio hernández

Sergio Hernández

Embers - Rescoldos, 2022

Price on Request

dance – danza by sergio hernández

Sergio Hernández

Dance – Danza, 2018

Price on Request

amor by robert indiana

Robert Indiana


Price on Request

confianza / confidence  by jorge jiménez deredia

Jorge Jiménez Deredia

Confianza / Confidence , 2022


untitled by wifredo lam

Wifredo Lam

Untitled, 1972

Price on Request

agravox, cumae and old friends by julio larraz

Julio Larraz

Agravox, Cumae and Old Friends, 2022

Price on Request

Art of the World Gallery assembles critical sectors in the arts from the 20th and 21st Centuries for this special occasion. From the ism era to post-war & contemporary, the highlighted artists create a conversational flow.
The roster of master artists and acclaimed living creatives the gallery presents in Miami this year displays many narratives.